The NWO - A Manifesto A Manifesto, A History and a Complete Set of Instructions
The NWO - A Manifesto

Secret Knowledge

Posted by The NWO - A Manifesto | 9:01 PM | 0 comments »

The Batteries of Baghdad explained and The Ark of the Covenant returned to Jerusalem!

In no way does the author and/or his/her affiliates endorse the use of scheduled substances without the supervision of a registered doctor of medicine nor the manufacture thereof.

The Ark of the Covenant as it is constructed in the Bible, with the ingredients that were used, was a gold lined box or ark used to cook essential oils from pith, calamus, myrrh, sassafras, Aaron’s Rod and cinnamon/cassia.Vinegar or spoiled wine acid was then added to this mixture. The introduction of copper or iron rods then caused a chemical process known as electro-chemical reduction by which the pith, calamus, myrrh, sassafras, Aaron’s Rod and and cinnamon/cassia were reduced to their essential oils much like a car battery today would produce the same results if an organic material was added to the battery and then allowed to sit in the sun for just a few hours.

The process described in the Bible to do this is exactly the same process used to manufacture crystal meth and many other essential oils!

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The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended

"And when your eyes are lifted up to heaven, and you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the army of heaven, do not let yourselves be moved to give them worship, or become the servants of what the Lord has given equally to all peoples under heaven."

Global Warming and how it relates to the lunar calendar.

The lunar calendar made long ago for farmers was based on a crop rotation chart that had to be accurate perpetually for thousands and thousands of seasons. Therefore the lunar or long count calendar is based on the flowering dates of plants.

In 2012 the lunar Mayan and MesoAmerican calendar predicts the collision of gravitational forces between Earth and Venus.

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The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended

Posted by The NWO - A Manifesto | 8:59 PM | 0 comments »

And thus, the prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

"And when your eyes are lifted up to heaven, and you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the army of heaven, do not let yourselves be moved to give them worship, or become the servants of what the Lord has given equally to all peoples under heaven."

Global Warming and how it relates to the lunar calendar.

The lunar calendar made long ago for farmers was based on a crop rotation chart that had to be accurate perpetually for thousands and thousands of seasons. Therefore the lunar or long count calendar is based on the flowering dates of plants.

In 2012 the lunar Mayan and MesoAmerican calendar predicts the collision of gravitational forces between Earth and Venus.

This causes an orbital tilt of the summer season, a rise in the ocean tides and unpredictable weather changes which do not change and begin to get progressively worse until we roast like Hell on a Fire Ball called Gehenna.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring"

That noted, the only thing which can save us is Orbital Forcing.

Orbital forces are the voluntary movements of the planets around us and the relevant effect they have on the climate of the earth.

At present we are under the direct influence of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Each of which take their turns altering our orbital degree in relation to the sun.

But, this is the first time in human history that we can have a direct impact over another orbiting body in our solar system - the moon. So, it stands to reason, all things related, if we alter the shape of the moon's lunar orbit we can alter our planets seasons to induce either a global warming or global cooling period.

The panacea of modern science - Climate Control!

Pushing the moon in space is as easy as pushing a boat in water.

Point your browser to "Orbital Forcing" and follow all the links to see the simple everyday science I used to piece it all together.

"In his days shall the righteous flourish, and abundance of peace be, so long as the moon endureth."

And thus, the prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.


Norman Christian Hoffmann

In no way does the author and/or his/her affiliates endorse the use of scheduled substances without the supervision of a registered doctor of medicine nor the manufacture thereof.

The Ark of the Covenant as it is constructed in the Bible, with the ingredients that were used, was a gold lined box or ark used to cook essential oils from pith, calamus, myrrh, sassafras, Aaron’s Rod and cinnamon/cassia.Vinegar or spoiled wine acid was then added to this mixture. The introduction of copper or iron rods then caused a chemical process known as electro-chemical reduction by which the pith, calamus, myrrh, sassafras, Aaron’s Rod and and cinnamon/cassia were reduced to their essential oils much like a car battery today would produce the same results if an organic material was added to the battery and then allowed to sit in the sun for just a few hours.

The process described in the Bible to do this is exactly the same process used to manufacture crystal meth and many other essential oils!

Crystal meth is an essential oil or distilled oil of ephedra manufactured by the electro-chemical reduction process, using phosphoric acid, red phosphorous and ephedra. It is the same process.

“Like a skilled incense maker”

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Collect choice spices—12½ pounds of pure myrrh, 6¼ pounds of fragrant cinnamon, 6¼ pounds of fragrant calamus, and 12½ pounds of cassia—as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel. Also get one gallon of olive oil. Like a skilled incense maker, blend these ingredients to make a holy anointing oil. Use this sacred oil to anoint the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, the table and all its utensils, the lampstand and all its accessories, the incense altar, the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the washbasin with its stand. Consecrate them to make them absolutely holy. After this, whatever touches them will also become holy.

The process of chemical reduction produces dangerous and explosive chemical gas.

  • When Uzzah reached out to touch it, he caused a static electricity spark and was smote by an explosion.
  • The Ark of the Covenant was known to cause lethal explosions.
  • Just like a crystal meth lab.
  • The Ark of the Covenant was to be handled by special people.
  • The tribe of Levi was to adorn heavy protective vests made of stones to protect them from an explosion.
  • Police today must wear protective gear wherever crystal meth is made.
  • Just like a crystal meth lab.
  • The Ark of the Covenant had to be handled in a special way.
  • They were only to approach the Ark from a distance with an open flame to reduce the chance of serious injury.
  • They were to carry it three days ahead of them to reduce injury.
  • They were to place it in a tent to funnel the explosive gas away.
  • Just like a crystal meth lab.
  • And the Ark, manna and the anointing oil used by them was known to sustain them without food or water for days.
  • Just like crystal meth.

The ephedra plant, (a constituent of myrrh,) Aaron’s Rod, sassafras, calamus and cinnamon/cassia were abundant in that area in those times and all are used in the production of amphetamines. All but cinnamon/cassia are known to have amphetamine like qualities. When combined and reduced through electro-chemical reduction in conjunction with each other ephedra and calamus or sassafras alone produces 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, MDMA or Ecstasy. Ephedra reduced alone produces N-a-dimethyl-phenethylamine orcrystal meth.

The calamus plant is depicted on King Solomon’s tomb. (Later mistaken for Marijuana or Kaneh Bosm.) King Solomon, Moses and many other anointed ones had communication with Jah, Eloah, Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah or God. And King David himself danced half naked in the streets upon its return to Jerusalem he was so happy. TheArk of the Covenant is thought to be the radio to God.

But, it is not The Ark which is the radio but our minds. The Elohim are in the mind: attenuated to a certain frequency by the manipulation of our pineal glands, or esp.

“Then the LORD appeared at the Tent in a pillar of cloud”

Crystal meth, amphetamines, pseudo-amphetamines and modafinil are used to stimulate the pineal gland. The aptly titled seat of God. The organ associated with psychic phenomena, extra-sensory perception, mental telepathy,astral projection and clairvoyance: The third eye. As can many other other chemicals.

They have been used many times throughout history by many cultures.

The Ark of the Covenant was an alchemists tool used to extract the essential oils of ephedra, calamus, sassafrasand Aaron’s Rod. All are known to have stimulant properties. They act upon the brain by releasing chemicals such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Stimulating all regions of the brain including the pineal gland. Essentially, a lights on in the mind.

The North American Native Indians used calamus extensively in their diet and it was known to elevate them to plains of super-natural concsciouness. They used the stalks of calamus to fashion peace pipes. It also suppressed their appetites and controlled the rate and incidence of diabetes.

Science is the vehicle by which we can achieve the plains of God. The Ark of the Covenant was given to Moses by his Angels. But, the Ark of the Covenant is not the radio to God. We are the radios to God. It is in our minds.

We are nothing but biological radio receivers and transmitters. Everything we experience is in the form of a wave length. The fundamental science of existence can be explained by quantum physics; “silly strings,” of sound and light.

The Universe is comprised of radio frequencies, energies of all kinds, all of which oscillate at certain wave lengths. All of which can be attenuated by science. Even the celestial experience of Eloah, Elohim or God. It is science. All we need do is listen.

Crystal meth and MDMA are essential oils of ephedra, calamus, sassafras, and acacia manufactured by theelectro-chemical reduction process. It is the same process used in The Ark of the Covenant to produce the Holy Anointing Oil from the exact same ingredients in the exact same way.

Much like a leyden jar, but not for the purpose of electrical conduction the Batteries of Baghdad can also be easily explained. They were not batteries or electrical semiconductors per say, but arks used to conduct electro chemical activity to reduce pith and myrrh amongst other things to their essential oils for trade and commerce.

Also, the term “burning bush” and many other commonalities of the stories of Moses and his peoples journey through the deserts of Egypt can also be explained by a literal translation of “burning bush,” and manna to meanacacia, calamus, sassafras or more specifically ephedra - amphetamines and so on.

And, thus the Batteries of Baghdad explained and The Ark of the Covenant returned to Jerusalem!

Norman Christian Hoffmann

Buy an email spider

Posted by The NWO - A Manifesto | 2:44 PM | 0 comments »

What is an email spider?

Wikipedia lists an email spider as; E-mail harvesting, the process of obtaining lists of e-mail addresses using various methods for use in bulk e-mail or other purposes usually grouped as spam.

Wikipedia then goes on to explain the process that spammers use to dictionary attack a certain domain name and mass mail unsolicited letters. But, this is not the approach that we want to use in the NWO.

The approach that we want is to harvest specific emails from specific industries, governments and or companies. We want to try and target match certain information with certain industries, lobbyists, groups etc. The easiest way to do this is with a piece of software called an email spider.

For this article we are going to download the email software from Advanced Email Extractor.

Go ahead and click that link and download a copy of their software to your hard drive.


Posted by The NWO - A Manifesto | 10:53 AM | 0 comments »

Buy an email spider
Open an unlimited hosting account
Collect a number of emails
Set up your mass mailer
Load your mass emailer
Choose your message
Mail your message
Track the effects of your message

The NWO - A Manifesto

Posted by The NWO - A Manifesto | 7:37 PM | 0 comments »

The New World Order
A Manifesto

by Norman Christian Hoffmann

a) The first goal of this Manifesto is to Illuminate you about the NWO.
b) The second goal is to change your opinion about the NWO.
c) The third goal of this Manifesto is to teach you how to control the NWO.

The Motivation behind this Manifesto is to Illuminate you to the truth about the NWO so that you can use the NWO to your advantage to take control of the Power and the Glory of the World.

The ulterior motive is the promise in the Holy Bible that 'The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.' Further to this is the knowledge that it is humankind that is meant by the phrase 'The Meek.' And, that you are who is to inherit the earth from the Fallen Angels of the Lord or the 'Powerful.'

This is supported by the biblical claim that the 'Meek' do learn as humankind does and that they are not like Angels and Demons in that Angels and Demons can not learn. But, either they know or do not know information based upon whether or not Jehovah God has instructed them in this information.

It is also the basis for this manifesto's claim that all Power and Glory is derived from the control of information. This is based upon the Biblical claim that the Lord Satan did leave the Kingdom of Heaven to claim the Power and the Glory of this World armed only with misinformation and that Jehovah God has controlled him since by depriving him of certain knowledge. Knowledge that he could not ascertain by learning. And, secret knowledge that has prevented him from becoming an Angel of Light and achieving the Power and the Glory of this world.

It is not the expressed motivation of this manifesto to teach you about the bible. Nor, is it necessary to believe. Nor, is it the motivation of this manifesto to convert you to any religious belief.

Suffice it to say nonetheless the primary motivation of this manifesto is still to fulfill the prophecy of the Holy Bible that 'The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.' And, that the meek is meant to intend the human being over the unkind or malevolent beings or spirits that may, as stated above, have controlled the Power and the Glory of this world with nothing more than misinformation. Yet, conversely then, also based on the Holy Bible, all that it takes to control the Power and the Glory of this world is to be like God Jehovah. And, control or manipulate information like he does. Thus preventing Satan or even our mortal Adversary from ever winning a rebellion against us.

It is my own personal and overwhelming desire to share with you the information that I have come to know is the actual truth of the NWO. How it is in your control and how that is relevant to you in the pursuit of your own life, liberty and happiness. I believe that this knowledge will free your soul from the tyranny of evil men and put you on a level playing field. I believe this will rejuvenate your personal spirit to become as empowered as a King with control over the world.

I also believe that you can use this information to control not only local but also global issues. Which will make you like a God in this world, free your mind and unleash the Holy Spirit in you giving you hope for a better future which you now control.

In writing this Manifesto I have examined many biblical documents, writings and teachings and have found one thing in common amongst them all. A being or deity who controls the world with false information. And, I have also found all of these documents to exclaim a time in history when that being or bad spirit shall be negated and/or dismissed from this world by a telling of the truth.

The motivation of this manifesto then is to exclaim that the time is now. Too, is the motivation of this Manifesto to illuminate you to the Truth of the NWO and to illuminate you to the control of the NWO that you have. And, to dispel any negative emotions you may have towards the New World Order.

And, this is done to fulfill this biblical prophecy;

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.
They Shall Inherit It from The Deceiver.
And, the Time is Now.

And, this is justified because it is prophecy and it is written.

Please Join Me. Please purchase this complete set of instructions. And apply these instructions to your adversary in order to win control over the world and be like Kings.

The New World Order - A Manifesto

The New World Order
A Manifesto

by Norman Christian Hoffmann

a) The first goal of this Manifesto is to Illuminate you about the NWO.
b) The second goal is to change your opinion about the NWO.
c) The third goal of this Manifesto is to teach you how to control the NWO.

The Motivation behind this Manifesto is to Illuminate you to the truth about the NWO so that you can use the NWO to your advantage to take control of the Power and the Glory of the World.

The ulterior motive is the promise in the Holy Bible that 'The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.' Further to this is the knowledge that it is humankind that is meant by the phrase 'The Meek.' And, that you are who is to inherit the earth from the Fallen Angels of the Lord or the 'Powerful.'

This is supported by the biblical claim that the 'Meek' do learn as humankind does and that they are not like Angels and Demons in that Angels and Demons can not learn. But, either they know or do not know information based upon whether or not Jehovah God has instructed them in this information.

It is also the basis for this manifesto's claim that all Power and Glory is derived from the control of information. This is based upon the Biblical claim that the Lord Satan did leave the Kingdom of Heaven to claim the Power and the Glory of this World armed only with misinformation and that Jehovah God has controlled him since by depriving him of certain knowledge. Knowledge that he could not ascertain by learning. And, secret knowledge that has prevented him from becoming an Angel of Light and achieving the Power and the Glory of this world.

It is not the expressed motivation of this manifesto to teach you about the bible. Nor, is it necessary to believe. Nor, is it the motivation of this manifesto to convert you to any religious belief.

Suffice it to say nonetheless the primary motivation of this manifesto is still to fulfill the prophecy of the Holy Bible that 'The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.' And, that the meek is meant to intend the human being over the unkind or malevolent beings or spirits that may, as stated above, have controlled the Power and the Glory of this world with nothing more than misinformation. Yet, conversely then, also based on the Holy Bible, all that it takes to control the Power and the Glory of this world is to be like God Jehovah. And, control or manipulate information like he does. Thus preventing Satan or even our mortal Adversary from ever winning a rebellion against us.

It is my own personal and overwhelming desire to share with you the information that I have come to know is the actual truth of the NWO. How it is in your control and how that is relevant to you in the pursuit of your own life, liberty and happiness. I believe that this knowledge will free your soul from the tyranny of evil men and put you on a level playing field. I believe this will rejuvenate your personal spirit to become as empowered as a King with control over the world.

I also believe that you can use this information to control not only local but also global issues. Which will make you like a God in this world, free your mind and unleash the Holy Spirit in you giving you hope for a better future which you now control.

In writing this Manifesto I have examined many biblical documents, writings and teachings and have found one thing in common amongst them all. A being or deity who controls the world with false information. And, I have also found all of these documents to exclaim a time in history when that being or bad spirit shall be negated and/or dismissed from this world by a telling of the truth.

The motivation of this manifesto then is to exclaim that the time is now. Too, is the motivation of this Manifesto to illuminate you to the Truth of the NWO and to illuminate you to the control of the NWO that you have. And, to dispel any negative emotions you may have towards the New World Order.

And, this is done to fulfill this biblical prophecy;

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.
They Shall Inherit It from The Deceiver.
And, the Time is Now.

And, this is justified because it is prophecy and it is written.

Please Join Me. Please purchase this complete set of instructions. And apply these instructions to your adversary in order to win control over the world and be like Kings.